
Juan Carlo Salerno (Argentina)

Juan Carlos received his PhD in Agricultural and Forestry Sciences at the University of La Plata in Argentina.  He has been the Director of Research and Professor in the Chairs of Genetics and Animal and Plant Breeding of the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of the Universidad del Salvador, Argentina, since 2000.  He has also been Professor of the Chair of Agricultural Genetics of Agri-food Sciences (ESIICA) at the National University of MorĂ³n, Argentina, since 2006. He is the former Director of the Center for Research in Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences (CICVYA) and consecutively Former Director of the "Ewald A. Favret" Institute of Genetics, INTA- Castelar, Argentina (2009-2015). Juan Carlos served as the honorary President of the Argentine Society of Genetics (2009-2011; 2015-2019) and as the President the Latin American Association of Genetics, ALAG (2010-2014). He has been the vice president of ALAG since 2014. Juan Carlos's research focuses on plant breeding considering the expansion of the basic knowledge on the inheritance of characters that allow the development of new maize breeding techniques. He supervised several postdoctoral students, graduate students (PhD and Master's), and undergraduate students.


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