

Any scientific society that has a focus on genetics and/or genomics may become a member of the International Genetics Federation.  Membership benefits include:-

a. A link to the web sites of member societies will appear on the IGF web site.

b. The IGF will promote the meetings of member societies through this web site.

c. The IGF will work to facilitate networking and cooperation between member societies.  In the first instance this will be by bringing                societies together to organize regular high-quality seminars in genetics and genomics.  

d. The IGF has a limited amount of funding available to support the meetings of members societies in the developing world and to support      developing nations delegates to participate in the International Genetics Congress.

e. Member societies may present a bid to host the International Congress of Genetics.

f. Member societies can nominate individuals to serve on the Executive Committee of the IGF.  

g. Members societies can appoint a delegate to vote on motions put at the IGF business meeting that occurs at each International                  Congress of Genetics.  They can also vote in the election of individuals to the IGF Executive.  The next meeting of IGF members will be      at the International Congress of Genetics to be held in Melbourne, Australia in July 2023.  At this Congress member societies will vote        on the location for the following International Congress of Genetics to be held in 2028.

h. The IGF welcomes suggestions of other ways in which it could assist member societies.


a. Member societies are expected to assist in the promotion of IGF activities such as the International Congress of Genetics via their web site and written communications to their members. The IGF will, through the Congress secretariat, assist in providing the content needed.  

b. At the moment, societies can join the IGF without any membership fee.  In the longer term the IGF will need to collect fees so that it can provide services to member societies.  These fees will be modest and consideration of the capacity of societies to pay them will be given.  The scale of fees to be paid will be decided by member societies in their meeting at the International Congress of Genetics in 2023.  

c. Societies can apply to join the IGF by completing the Expression of Interest form using the link below.

Interested in becoming a member society?
 Please click the link below:


For all enquiries please contact

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